New Jersey for the week

A few favorites from LookBook. I'm in New Jersey visiting family for Thanksgiving; primarily my grandmom. She was diagnosed with lung cancer a few weeks ago. I didn't consider the extent of her condition until I saw her. She's constantly coughing and wheezing(can't even walk through the grocery store without getting mildly winded), she's lost 14 pounds and not to mention her spirits are lowering with every passing hour. Can you blame her though? Between the lack of sleep, weekly doctor's appointments and overwhelming exhaustion, she's breaking. She is a strong woman and will get through this, that we are all confident in. I know she in nervous, that has been clearly conveyed, but I think in a way it is setting her mind at ease. Death is inevitable. She has been reminded of this for the past 20 years with the passing of my poppy, the majority of her friends, and all of her sisters, she is the last one left. She knows it's her time. I know it is to. Every time I lay down and pray I want to be selfish and beg for her automatic healing, but I know I can't. If it isn't her time God will sweep the tumor away and keep her with us longer, but if that isn't the case it is time to let her go. She misses my poppy. I pray that she won't suffer; she's not scared of dying, she's scared of the pain. I can't express my dislike of this whole lung cancer thing. Taking my dog and now my grandmom. Please keep her in your prayers. He will take care of this, this I am confident in, please just pray for Him to take the pain away. It will be a long, rough road for her, but ultimately this is where she's ready to be.

p.s.- New Year's resolution: REVAMP MY BLOG.
put some pointe shoes on and feel the fashion
It's been a Frank Sinatra kind of day

As always, I'm insanely excited about the future. Today's agenda has included: looking at FIT in NY, looking at apartments in Chelsea, Manhattan, looking up flights/train rides/hotels for New York...I'm going to New York one way or another. I'm thinking of going in February and taking my sister along for the ride. We'd fly to Philadelphia, stay a night or two with my grandmom then take a train into New York. Then we'd stay somewhere in Times Square for 2 nights while visiting FIT, visiting New York Academy of Dramatic Arts for Katie(sister), and shopping of course. Hopefully some interviews for internships for me and model castings for Katie fall somewhere in there too. I know this idea seems so far-fetched at the moment, but I know I can do it. I have to. I've never wanted something this much. I'm meant for much more than what I'm doing now, I just know it. I HAVE to be in New York.
Of course this won't be for two more years when Katie has graduated high school...but I'm just planning ahead, for once.
Follow your dreams and never give up. I'll be looking back on these days.
ya know ya know
Fall inspirations(thus far)

I'm trying to get better at posting more often(key word trying). This week has been pretty decent so far, nothing too substantial. Other than the fact that I've seen Andy Hull more this week than my own best friend. Plans for the remainder of September: try something new with my hair for fall(suggestions? I'm looking more towards color change rather than cut), tattoo, own a pair of thigh high boots, and...a few other non-mentionable-worthy items.
Those pictures are Paris street fashion randoms. I can't wait for heavy fur coat winter. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
Want Ad's
Looking for:
-a car
-an apartment
-a wonderfully paying job close to Atlanta
-some space college credits laying around seeking a transcript
-someone to share something with(this one varies day-to-day/hour-to-hour)
-new and re-vamped wardrobe
these items will be found and claimed as MINE...when?
who knows.
I feel like every time I post something there's always a) a list of some sort and b) something new that I want. Does that say much about me? Neh. ...And this is why I've never had a boyfriend. Too many options in life, why stay tied down and pick only one?
(This post has turned into a compilation of thoughts accumulating over the past 2ish weeks)As I was doing my nightly research before bed last night-rewind: I've been thinking a lot about not getting married(I know I'm young but just look at my posts, they're so all over the place from the punctuation to the sentence structure, HOW COULD I EVER MANAGE A HUSBAND. No thanks!) and just adopting a little girl from China-I looked up stories of single mom adoptions and the particular story I clicked on, the first one mind you, was about a mom and her newly adopted daughter Molly. Sign? I'll take it. As I make these loosely configured "plans" I just wonder what God is doing up there. Laughing I'd hope. Although this outcome would be nice, I'd like to dream that He has more planned for me than I'd ever be able to create on my own. Of course He does, but then again, what if that is it? Either way-I'm moving to New York. Atlanta first, then New York.
-a car
-an apartment
-a wonderfully paying job close to Atlanta
-some space college credits laying around seeking a transcript
-someone to share something with(this one varies day-to-day/hour-to-hour)
-new and re-vamped wardrobe
these items will be found and claimed as MINE...when?
who knows.
I feel like every time I post something there's always a) a list of some sort and b) something new that I want. Does that say much about me? Neh. ...And this is why I've never had a boyfriend. Too many options in life, why stay tied down and pick only one?
(This post has turned into a compilation of thoughts accumulating over the past 2ish weeks)As I was doing my nightly research before bed last night-rewind: I've been thinking a lot about not getting married(I know I'm young but just look at my posts, they're so all over the place from the punctuation to the sentence structure, HOW COULD I EVER MANAGE A HUSBAND. No thanks!) and just adopting a little girl from China-I looked up stories of single mom adoptions and the particular story I clicked on, the first one mind you, was about a mom and her newly adopted daughter Molly. Sign? I'll take it. As I make these loosely configured "plans" I just wonder what God is doing up there. Laughing I'd hope. Although this outcome would be nice, I'd like to dream that He has more planned for me than I'd ever be able to create on my own. Of course He does, but then again, what if that is it? Either way-I'm moving to New York. Atlanta first, then New York.
bcbg and some swedish fish

outfit details:
navy blazer-brother's closet
vneck-charlotte russe
shorts-american eagle
suede heels-bcbg
the stress is cumulating, as you can clearly see on my not-so-clear skin. So many things on my to-do list, and I'm not even taking classes this semester! Lord, imagine if I was.
I hope everyone is doing well and living a stress-free week! If the stress is caking on quite thickly for you as well, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep persevering!
ps-i think i broke my toe today..again...helping the salvation army guy move our broken tv out of our house. lovely! oh and those brown boots are the ones I got at the mart when I worked the fashion show. $30!!!
bang bang boom
MAC Monochromatic Makeup Tutorial
I'm usually not one to change things up about my appearance, not drastically anyways. But i have been doing pretty much the same makeup for about 3 years now...I'd say a change is in order. The above makeup tutorial inspired me to change things up a bit, and I loved what the outcome was! Thank you MAC.
Lately I have been working everyday, which is nice come payday, and I'm starting to feel the wear on my body. On the other hand, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love staying busy and being independent. I finally got an official car of my own(yaaaaaay!), though the bills could have stayed out of the equation, the freedom is magnificent. Tomorrow my sister and I are going into Atlanta to work at a mart fashion show as dressers for the models. I'm really excited to see what this is all about and definitely make some new connections. Hopefully this won't be a one time ordeal. Friday I'm working all day at Gap, give and get weekend=insane coupon hungry customers!
My mission this month: to get a Marc Jacobs bag, preferably this one:

and a little matching wallet. I'm also planning on getting a Calvin Klein peacoat we just got into TJMAXX, only one small left+20% off=yesssss.
Minus the bills, life is busy and so rewarding. I'm happy. and busy. and happy.
I'm usually not one to change things up about my appearance, not drastically anyways. But i have been doing pretty much the same makeup for about 3 years now...I'd say a change is in order. The above makeup tutorial inspired me to change things up a bit, and I loved what the outcome was! Thank you MAC.
Lately I have been working everyday, which is nice come payday, and I'm starting to feel the wear on my body. On the other hand, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love staying busy and being independent. I finally got an official car of my own(yaaaaaay!), though the bills could have stayed out of the equation, the freedom is magnificent. Tomorrow my sister and I are going into Atlanta to work at a mart fashion show as dressers for the models. I'm really excited to see what this is all about and definitely make some new connections. Hopefully this won't be a one time ordeal. Friday I'm working all day at Gap, give and get weekend=insane coupon hungry customers!
My mission this month: to get a Marc Jacobs bag, preferably this one:

and a little matching wallet. I'm also planning on getting a Calvin Klein peacoat we just got into TJMAXX, only one small left+20% off=yesssss.
Minus the bills, life is busy and so rewarding. I'm happy. and busy. and happy.
So my attempt at fixing up my blog was a complete and utter failure. I have no clue what direction I should take it in. I'm leaning towards fall's tans/blacks/reds/hunter greens. We'll see.
Also, if you haven't seen the Rachel Zoe Project...you should. My love of fashion took control today and all I could do was think about how badly I want fall to come so I can wear long coats, furs(faux furs of course), suede, chunky scarves, and BOOTS. The first hint of fall weather I'll be a happy camper.
Hope you all are having/had a good evening! I'll leave you with this:
Also, if you haven't seen the Rachel Zoe Project...you should. My love of fashion took control today and all I could do was think about how badly I want fall to come so I can wear long coats, furs(faux furs of course), suede, chunky scarves, and BOOTS. The first hint of fall weather I'll be a happy camper.
Hope you all are having/had a good evening! I'll leave you with this:
I want these:

so bad. Gap is getting some awesome new fall items in!
I have been so bad about updating this lately, but have no fear: tomorrow I have off all day! No one could be more excited than me right now. Work has been so nice though, I don't even mind it one bit. Especially working at Gap. I could not have been more blessed than being able to work with those people. They're so awesome and inspiring. And it definitely helps having my best friend Lauren there with me! Life is pretty awesome at the moment, and I have a feeling it's going to get even better pretty soon. mmmmm.
So tomorrow I will definitely fit updating this thing into my busy schedule consisting of catching up on The Real Housewives of NJ, and a few other tv shows I'm pathetically addicted to, cleaning my mess of a "room", and taking care of myself(see my nutrition blog). Goodnight everyone! Hope life is is grand!
It's all good, take a new road and never look back
I'm ecstatically excited for my future, well my sister's future and mine. Today we submitted her to Ford Models, Elite Model Management, Click Model Management and a few others. I have such a good feeling about all of this for her! Last night our friend Zach, my sister and I went to starbucks and talked for literally an hour about how Katie(sister) needs to be a model. She has an incredible jaw line, has perfect skin and teeth, is incredibly gorgeous, eats 2000+ calories a day and is TINY. Not fair, I know. But I say, who is born with all of these model-esque qualities and doesn't take advantage of it?! So today was dedicated to applications, picture taking and editing and new dieting plans for the future(next week we start our low-carb, run 5 days a week, eat lots of greens diet!). Like I said she is tiny, but as a model tiny isn't acceptable, bone thin is normal. I'll post a few of the pictures we took today. They're definitely nothing special, but I think they're exactly right for the modeling industry.

It amazes me how God laid this all out perfectly for us too. I want to go into fashion marketing and management and be a buyer for a big company, now Katie wants to be a model. We are moving to New York and that is the end of it. Lauren and I will own a boutique and attend all of the major fashion shows(including Milan and Paris) and Katie will walk in them. Mmmm...life is grand.

It amazes me how God laid this all out perfectly for us too. I want to go into fashion marketing and management and be a buyer for a big company, now Katie wants to be a model. We are moving to New York and that is the end of it. Lauren and I will own a boutique and attend all of the major fashion shows(including Milan and Paris) and Katie will walk in them. Mmmm...life is grand.
red, tan, white, black=my fall wardrobe
I have been SO busy lately. My feet fell off days ago. But I wouldn't have it any other way!
Givenchy's Fall 2010 RTW collection is so beautiful, chic, classy, elegant with a little pop. I love the way the red was incorporated. If only I could do that makeup and hair everyday. Maybe, if I figure out how to make it look that clean, I'll do a tutorial. *writing down on my list of things to do on my days off*

add red tights to the fall wardrobe list. have a wonderful weekend!
I'm goin in for the kill

These are some looks I love from Lookbook a few days ago. I just made an executive decision to make this post dedicated to pictures, mostly.

These are the pants I want(and am getting on Saturday when I work) from Gap. They have AWESOME jeans...just sayin'....
Okay...pictures AND videos..video. I just cannot get enough of these two. If you haven't seen (500) Days of Summer 1. YOU'REINSANE and 2. this will make 0 sense to you.
bahahah they're my favorite and so is this movie.
if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door
I'm indecisive as to whether or not I should make this post a cliche teenage girl post full of cheesy love and motivational quotes that keep appearing on my computer screen, or...I'm not sure I'd thought about another option. I think I just decided as I was typing that I needed one. Options are nice.
Well, how about a little of both.
I work tomorrow. I have an interview at another store on Monday, as the desperation for more hours continues. Life just keeps piling more and more things(situations, rather) on my plate. I feel as though I'm either going to crack or come out with a new shiny coating. Hopefully, the latter. I am starting to miss my independence from being at school. Although my parents have never been ones to set curfews, they would definitely rather not hear me stroll in at 3am. Random thought: prom is SO overrated. The dress, the money, the date, the dancing, the dinner, the pressure after the fact. To me, it was just not worth it. I loved dancing, with Lauren(we both literally ditched our dates and danced with each other(you'd have to understand our predicaments)), but I didn't think it was worth the hype, nor the light feeling my wallet began to experience. Rant, rant, rant, I know. I'll quit.

Goodnight! xoxox
Well, how about a little of both.
I work tomorrow. I have an interview at another store on Monday, as the desperation for more hours continues. Life just keeps piling more and more things(situations, rather) on my plate. I feel as though I'm either going to crack or come out with a new shiny coating. Hopefully, the latter. I am starting to miss my independence from being at school. Although my parents have never been ones to set curfews, they would definitely rather not hear me stroll in at 3am. Random thought: prom is SO overrated. The dress, the money, the date, the dancing, the dinner, the pressure after the fact. To me, it was just not worth it. I loved dancing, with Lauren(we both literally ditched our dates and danced with each other(you'd have to understand our predicaments)), but I didn't think it was worth the hype, nor the light feeling my wallet began to experience. Rant, rant, rant, I know. I'll quit.

Goodnight! xoxox
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