
Went to TJMAXX, not expecting to find anything special. Then, I found those^. Impulse buy completely! But, for only $10 for Oscar de la Renta...how could I not?! Successful day. Oh, and I found a hat, which is a huge deal because no hats look good on me. Until now! At least I think so. Between my new sunglasses and hat, my grandma's old bathing suits reconstructed, and some $5 sandals, I'm definitely ready for the beach next week.
Here Comes Your Man-Meaghan Smith
Change is always refreshing; you can test yourself in ways you would not normally be able to. The beach is going to be so incredibly wonderful, I can't even express to you my excitement. Today, I was peed on(took my puppy to the vet, my payback I suppose), made a delicious salad, tried to make some new creations from fabric/mom's old clothes, and got some good sketching in. Overall productiveness=5/10 I'd say. Best it's been these past few weeks. I also got my information book from SCAD in today! That was super exciting. Gave my withering motivation and good kick in the rear.
Again, nothing too wonderful in this post except a few casual, everyday looks I saw on Lookbook today that I thought were post-worthy. My jealous side definitely took control looking through some of these. Let me explain...

I wish I could pull these borderline spandex-airtight-crotch exposing shorts off.
Dear hair, would you like to pick up the pace a little and be this long?! wonderful. Also, LOVE blazers.
This isn't anything special, that's why I love it. Simplicity goes so far!
LOVE this vest, even though it screams 80's, Goodwill, only-can-wear-on-certain-occasions, I adore it.
This makes me miss my straight across bangs and desperately want oxfords, round sunglasses, and a blue oxford button down.
I just love this whole outfit. Especially the shoes.
Next DIY task, a bow headband.
Baby Molly!
Again, nothing too wonderful in this post except a few casual, everyday looks I saw on Lookbook today that I thought were post-worthy. My jealous side definitely took control looking through some of these. Let me explain...

I wish I could pull these borderline spandex-airtight-crotch exposing shorts off.

Next DIY task, a bow headband.

The Wild Hunt
Billy Jean was probably your lover MJ.

After these pictures, I think it's safe to assume I'm a little crazy. And you're right. Normal is boring anyways! (I don't have a fancy camera so my Mac took these, once again, so that's why I'm bent over trying to get as much of my outfit in the camera as possible.)
I got these adorable shorts with Lauren her sister Amanda and my sister Katie at Goodwill...for $4.00! I've worn them about 3 times since getting them a week ago. They're wonderfully feminine and fun with their little ruffling detail along the bottom. I'm also wearing a black long sleeved leotard from my ballet years, a braided black belt, some black tights and short black suede boots. You probably shouldn't wear it in summer, but I love suede! I ordered my bag from Urban Outfitters online and got free shipping, lovely! This week hasn't been anything out of the ordinary, continuing my job search, sketching, and 500 days of summer. I have one more week until I go to the beach!!! I haven't been...since senior year of high school. 2 years is too long of a time to not have been to the beach.
Alright, I'm missing too much of this baseball game. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend! xoxo
alright, here i go!
A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Being normal is so overrated.
For...well my entire life I have settled with mediocrity. But lately, there's been this fire in me to push myself, to no longer settle but to strive for what I want and not give up until it's spoken for. I have been waiting for this feeling for forever. And He has given it to me. So, I'm taking it.
I planned on going to GA State in the spring to major in Business and minor in Fashion; a safe route, you can't go wrong with Business right?! Why would I do this?? Why would I spend my time on something academic based when I know it's not going to work out because a.) I HATE it b.) I HATE it and c.) I am not the best test-takerer in the world. And why would I let my passion come second to something I would rather see melt in a boiling pit of fire??? Who knows. What I do know is giving up is not an option.
So where has all this brought me? I will attend a local community college in the Fall to bring my grades up, get my car this summer, and save money to get an apartment in the Spring in Atlanta to attend Savannah College of Art and Design(the Atlanta campus of course). If you are not familiar with this school it's pretty pricey, very hard to get in to and to succeed at. But I'm going to do it. Admission to the Fashion Marketing and Management School requires a portfolio submission and an interview(they don't really base admission solely on grades...thank the LORD). God gave me an open summer for this. My portfolio is going to kick some intense booty. I am so excited for my future!!!! SCAD School of Fashion here i come!
I was watchin SCADtv and they were featuring a designer named Clodagh who specializes in zen design and tranquility. She is so passionate and inspirational. Watch!
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Being normal is so overrated.
For...well my entire life I have settled with mediocrity. But lately, there's been this fire in me to push myself, to no longer settle but to strive for what I want and not give up until it's spoken for. I have been waiting for this feeling for forever. And He has given it to me. So, I'm taking it.
I planned on going to GA State in the spring to major in Business and minor in Fashion; a safe route, you can't go wrong with Business right?! Why would I do this?? Why would I spend my time on something academic based when I know it's not going to work out because a.) I HATE it b.) I HATE it and c.) I am not the best test-takerer in the world. And why would I let my passion come second to something I would rather see melt in a boiling pit of fire??? Who knows. What I do know is giving up is not an option.
So where has all this brought me? I will attend a local community college in the Fall to bring my grades up, get my car this summer, and save money to get an apartment in the Spring in Atlanta to attend Savannah College of Art and Design(the Atlanta campus of course). If you are not familiar with this school it's pretty pricey, very hard to get in to and to succeed at. But I'm going to do it. Admission to the Fashion Marketing and Management School requires a portfolio submission and an interview(they don't really base admission solely on grades...thank the LORD). God gave me an open summer for this. My portfolio is going to kick some intense booty. I am so excited for my future!!!! SCAD School of Fashion here i come!
I was watchin SCADtv and they were featuring a designer named Clodagh who specializes in zen design and tranquility. She is so passionate and inspirational. Watch!
Watch the video for grungy-90's-modern-awesome-fantasticness:
Cheap Monday's Fashion Show Stockholm
Today was uneventful. But this weekend, I intend on shopping. And shopping. And more shopping. Ahh, yes. Summer you are here!
Cheap Monday's Fashion Show Stockholm
Today was uneventful. But this weekend, I intend on shopping. And shopping. And more shopping. Ahh, yes. Summer you are here!
mama's old skirt=my new dress

I was so excited to find this long skirt in my mom's "not wearing anymore" section of the closet, now in my "to be decided, but LOVE" section of the closet. I have to decide whether to cut it into a skirt or keep it the way it is. It comes to a little below knee length on me, and I wore strappy steve madden heels with(all the pictures I took at the angle where you'd be able to see all this came out either blurry or making me appear 548 pounds. cool.) I'm going to the beach in a few weeks and this just screams dinner-at-the-beach to me. hmmm.... either way I adore the pattern. And it's all mine!
p.s. I got a little picture crazy. Although the quality isn't the greatest, I kinda like the way they turned out.
everything happens for a reason.
Plans for the summer(as of an hour ago):
1.) work 5 days a week and save money for
a. a car
b. starting a "spending money for atlanta" fund
c. an apartment in atlanta
2.) buy a car and take classes at a community college in the fall
3.) get out of my house by January and have an apartment in Atlanta and
4.) go to school in Atlanta in the spring
Well...my boss at my awesome amazing job that pays extremely well just informed me that a doctor from that office just quit, therefore leaving several people jobless. Although he made it seem like he'd try to make me not be one of them(he said he'd figure something out and see what they need and let me know), I know the pressure of the economy yadda yadda. SO. I need another job.
The funny thing is, I was just having a conversation with myself about how I actually(believe it or not) miss retail. My best friend Lauren works at a clothing store and loves it, and it really made me miss being surrounded by clothes and seeing all the trends first hand. Life is so ironic. We'll see what happens, but the big man upstairs definitely has His hands all over this situation. And believe me, I'm not letting it slip through His fingers. He wouldn't let it though. In a way, I'm excited, stressed, but excited. I'm so glad I have such awesome friends and family. We support each other through the good and bad and the in betweens.
Lastly, to all of you being affected by the economy, I FEEL YOUR PAINNN! But keep going, there's a light at the end of the tunnel! And I heard it's a disco ball, rave, crazy strobe, insanely happy light!
Psalm 23

1.) work 5 days a week and save money for
a. a car
b. starting a "spending money for atlanta" fund
c. an apartment in atlanta
2.) buy a car and take classes at a community college in the fall
3.) get out of my house by January and have an apartment in Atlanta and
4.) go to school in Atlanta in the spring
Well...my boss at my awesome amazing job that pays extremely well just informed me that a doctor from that office just quit, therefore leaving several people jobless. Although he made it seem like he'd try to make me not be one of them(he said he'd figure something out and see what they need and let me know), I know the pressure of the economy yadda yadda. SO. I need another job.
The funny thing is, I was just having a conversation with myself about how I actually(believe it or not) miss retail. My best friend Lauren works at a clothing store and loves it, and it really made me miss being surrounded by clothes and seeing all the trends first hand. Life is so ironic. We'll see what happens, but the big man upstairs definitely has His hands all over this situation. And believe me, I'm not letting it slip through His fingers. He wouldn't let it though. In a way, I'm excited, stressed, but excited. I'm so glad I have such awesome friends and family. We support each other through the good and bad and the in betweens.
Lastly, to all of you being affected by the economy, I FEEL YOUR PAINNN! But keep going, there's a light at the end of the tunnel! And I heard it's a disco ball, rave, crazy strobe, insanely happy light!
Psalm 23

$6 vintage earrings, yes.

One of the few attributes Columbus has to offer is it's awesome thrift stores. There's a little jewelry boutique with new and used jewelry, scarves, bags, hats, gloves, dreamcatchers...pretty much everything. It's beautiful. I could spend days in there. I didn't have a lot of money to spend and knew I needed some new earrings(since I lost my favorite pearls at the show last weekend, boo crowd diver people) and I knew I wanted them big and vintage-y and pearls somewhere mixed in there. So, I picked these up and fell in love, and sales are always nice too, bringing my total to a whopping $6! I love the pearl detailing around the pink stone in the middle; although I'm not a huge pink fan, I feel these are subtle and go with the color or my hair and my eyes. Plus, every girl needs a little pink in their life! I am very pleased. ...Sugarfree Jellybeans were also purchased :)
p.s. you better be outside enjoying this beautiful day!!
Hear your Heart. Heart your Health.
I did it!! I finally started my nutrition blog: Hear your Heart. Heart your Health.
Follow me, leave me comments and suggestions, or just read for healthy tips, recipes, fun workout videos, etc.
And lastly, bed. Finally. Goodnight! Again...
Follow me, leave me comments and suggestions, or just read for healthy tips, recipes, fun workout videos, etc.
And lastly, bed. Finally. Goodnight! Again...
Kevin Devine
Happy Cinco de Mayo Ay yay yay! Let's see...today my day consisted of getting 15 minutes (literally) of sleep last night, woke up and took my accounting final at 8am, then came back to my dorm and tried to about a 6 hour nap, no. 2 hours was all i got. Then I went to dinner with my two friends and her family, came back and took a 3 hour nap, then got up and went to my friend's house for a semi-small gathering to celebrate Mexico's independence! I've decided:
1.) When it comes to parties, I'm more of a sit with a small group and talk rather than float and mingle; I'm not a floater
2.) I am SO excited to go to school in Atlanta. I can't even contain it anymore. But...
3.) I really am going to miss some of my good friends here in Columbus. But...again..
4.) I can't wait for them to come see me in Atlanta once I'm all settled and such and see my life and what I've made of it.
5.) Smoothies are delicious!!!
More importantly, my best friend Lauren started a blog. She's so cute and it completely reflects her personality. She's so fun and hilarious and beautiful and talented. So, follow her!!
On the same note(kind of), I'm thinking of starting a nutrition blog. I think I might do that tonight. Fashion and health go hand-in-hand(well really health goes hand-in-hand with everything) so I think it would be beneficial for my sake and all those starving models out there to have some inspiration for a healthy lifestyle; no, not eating a piece of celery and calling it a day, no not eating one high calorie meal a day and saying that's your only caloric intake for the day(I used to use both of these tactics to lose weight), several well-balanced, snack-type meals throughout the day will get you where you need to be.
I really need to go shopping(yes, I realize I say this same sentence about every other post(and yes, I realize I narrate my own writing haha)). I'm really excited to go home next week and go shopping next week! Alright, it's that time. Goodnight blog xoxox
1.) When it comes to parties, I'm more of a sit with a small group and talk rather than float and mingle; I'm not a floater
2.) I am SO excited to go to school in Atlanta. I can't even contain it anymore. But...
3.) I really am going to miss some of my good friends here in Columbus. But...again..
4.) I can't wait for them to come see me in Atlanta once I'm all settled and such and see my life and what I've made of it.
5.) Smoothies are delicious!!!
More importantly, my best friend Lauren started a blog. She's so cute and it completely reflects her personality. She's so fun and hilarious and beautiful and talented. So, follow her!!
On the same note(kind of), I'm thinking of starting a nutrition blog. I think I might do that tonight. Fashion and health go hand-in-hand(well really health goes hand-in-hand with everything) so I think it would be beneficial for my sake and all those starving models out there to have some inspiration for a healthy lifestyle; no, not eating a piece of celery and calling it a day, no not eating one high calorie meal a day and saying that's your only caloric intake for the day(I used to use both of these tactics to lose weight), several well-balanced, snack-type meals throughout the day will get you where you need to be.
I really need to go shopping(yes, I realize I say this same sentence about every other post(and yes, I realize I narrate my own writing haha)). I'm really excited to go home next week and go shopping next week! Alright, it's that time. Goodnight blog xoxox
This is for you. congratulations.
Other than Drake, life has been a whirlwind of ups and downs lately. My grades are not going to be what I originally anticipated at the start of the semester, but then again 4 core classes in one semester was a beyond stupid idea on my part.
So while my friends are watching Grandma's Boy, I am becoming best friends with my accounting book...and yet again procrastinating. Procrastination and I could practically be married by now; such a love-hate relationship we have though.
Another procrastination tactic I have taken advantage of lately is Elle.com. Miu Miu and Moschino were the chosen designers for the evening.
Alright, my accounting book keeps calling, and I have exhausted the ignore button. Better take care of this xoxox
Other than Drake, life has been a whirlwind of ups and downs lately. My grades are not going to be what I originally anticipated at the start of the semester, but then again 4 core classes in one semester was a beyond stupid idea on my part.
So while my friends are watching Grandma's Boy, I am becoming best friends with my accounting book...and yet again procrastinating. Procrastination and I could practically be married by now; such a love-hate relationship we have though.
Another procrastination tactic I have taken advantage of lately is Elle.com. Miu Miu and Moschino were the chosen designers for the evening.
Alright, my accounting book keeps calling, and I have exhausted the ignore button. Better take care of this xoxox
new layout, ya like?
I was inspired by the 1960's. Twiggy, Audrey, and Zooey; my 3 favorite fashion inspirations. I am instantly drawn to the fun, heavy make-up and the short, boldly colored, babydoll-esque dresses. Zooey Deschanel could come pick me out a new wardrobe any day.
I wish my header would center. Oh, and here are the lyrics to the song I posted earlier, The Girl by City and Colour (it won't leave my head, maybe it will leave mine and stay in yours for a while?):
I wish I could do better by you,
'cause that's what you deserve
You sacrifice so much of your life
In order for this to work.
While I'm off chasing my own dreams
Sailing around the world
Please know that I'm yours to keep
My beautiful girl
When you cry a piece of my heart dies
Knowing that I may have been the cause
If you were to leave
Fulfill someone else's dreams
I think I might totally be lost
You don't ask for no diamond rings no delicate string of pearls
That's why I wrote this song to sing
My beautiful girl
One, two, one two three four
I wish I could do better by you
'cause it's what you deserve
You sacrifice so much of your life
in order for this to work
While I'm off chasing my own dreams (my own dreams)
sailing around the world ('round the world)
Please know that I'm yours to keep
My beautiful girl
And when you cry a piece of my heart dies
Knowing that I may have been the cause
If you were to leave and fulfill someone else's dreams
I think I might totally be lost
But you don't ask for no diamond rings (Diamond rings)
No delicate string of pearls (String of pearls)
That's why I wrote this song to sing
My beautiful girl
P.S. Procrastination x48954823
I wish my header would center. Oh, and here are the lyrics to the song I posted earlier, The Girl by City and Colour (it won't leave my head, maybe it will leave mine and stay in yours for a while?):
I wish I could do better by you,
'cause that's what you deserve
You sacrifice so much of your life
In order for this to work.
While I'm off chasing my own dreams
Sailing around the world
Please know that I'm yours to keep
My beautiful girl
When you cry a piece of my heart dies
Knowing that I may have been the cause
If you were to leave
Fulfill someone else's dreams
I think I might totally be lost
You don't ask for no diamond rings no delicate string of pearls
That's why I wrote this song to sing
My beautiful girl
One, two, one two three four
I wish I could do better by you
'cause it's what you deserve
You sacrifice so much of your life
in order for this to work
While I'm off chasing my own dreams (my own dreams)
sailing around the world ('round the world)
Please know that I'm yours to keep
My beautiful girl
And when you cry a piece of my heart dies
Knowing that I may have been the cause
If you were to leave and fulfill someone else's dreams
I think I might totally be lost
But you don't ask for no diamond rings (Diamond rings)
No delicate string of pearls (String of pearls)
That's why I wrote this song to sing
My beautiful girl
P.S. Procrastination x48954823
dallas green, ditch the lady and be mine.

Yes, this man above, I met him. And saw him play for two hours, and talked to him, and touched him. Wow, I'm creepy. Talk about talented. The band City and Colour is his side project for the moment, but he plays guitar and does vocals for alexisonfire which is who i saw last night. We also saw another band called La Dispute and they put on a great show. Aside from getting trampled several times, losing my favorite pearl earrings, being spit on, and losing a good 4/7 of my hair, it was an awesome night! You have to go into those kinds of shows with those expectations though, so I got what I deserved I suppose. I love seeing people so passionate about something. The crowd last night really loved their music and the bands really had a great time performing; wonderful inspiration! I also got to see one of my friends from Atlanta who I haven't seen in about a year, so that was nice. We got pizza at 3am, and there were tons of people out and about the Atlanta streets at that hour too.
The video of City and Colour is one of my favorite songs by them, the lyrics melt my heart and make me adore couples even more(cute subtle couples, not obnoxious mushy ones). Last night Dallas's wife was at the show taking pictures of him with all of his fans. It was adorable. She's beautiful, she's the host for Canada's So You Think You Can Dance, I think...
My outfit for the show was simple, people usually don't go out of their way to dress up for those types of things. I wore a gray v-neck kind of tucked in in the front, with black skinny jeans, my black boots and a long necklace. I though the I'm-a-rocker's-gf-who-doesn't-try-hard-but-really-does look was fitting. Speaking of which: I see all these little, petite, cutesy girls with no makeup on and frumpy clothing looking as if they just strolled out of bed with a broken mirror and I've come to the realization that this look will never work on me. For 1.) I love make-up entirely too much 2.) I hate flat hair!! 3.) I like spending time getting ready, it makes me feel prepared for the day and presentable, you never know what opportunities will arise within one days span! But don't get me wrong, those girls are beautiful. And more power to them for resisting make-up's strong pull!
My attempt at procrastination is working tremendously....that's a bad thing. I better take care of that for my 4 finals this week's sake. Have a lovely week everyone! xoxo
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