
emma watson in italian vogue

Work was so good today, everyone is super nice and the customers are(generally) really nice too. I work tomorrow and Sunday...kind of. It's actually really, really fun. Thank you Lauren!!! The Lord has truly blessed me with friends and family I am completely unworthy of. If ever you feel things are crumbling around you, take a moment and breathe and look at the beautiful people surrounding you.

xoxo have a lovely weekend!


I would imagine if you understood Morse code a tap dancer would drive you crazy

we're all a little weird.
and life's a little weird.
and when we find someone whose
weirdness is compatible with ours,
we join up with them
and fall in mutual weirdness
and call it

Today was orientation at Gap and I'd say it went pretty well. Work on Friday! This week already looks 1000 times more promising than last. Oh, and those pictures up there are shoes from Piperlime(a Gap owned company) and Jeggings from Gap. My paycheck is going to leave my bank account as quickly as it comes in...


PS-THIS IS MY 50TH POST!!!!!!!!! ...I was excited :)


And then my soul saw you and it kind of went, "Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you."

This picture came up amidst my Stumbleupon-ing. I think I'm a little too obsessed with her. Anywhoo, I start my job at Gap tomorrow with orientation! At least, I get to get out of the house! I'm so excited to be out socializing again; I have literally been doing nothing but Pilates, Stumbleupon-ing, and waiting for my sister to get back from her dates to fill me in. What an exciting life I live, I know, I know. Don't be overwhelmed with jealousy. On that note, I'll leave you with this message:

Ninja Turtle in real life!


first dates

Girls are like
apples on trees. The best
ones are at the top of the tree.
The boys don't want to reach for
the good ones because they are afraid
of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they
just get the rotten apples from the ground
that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples
at the top think something is wrong with
them, when in reality, they're amazing.
They just have to wait for the right
boy to come along, the one
who's brave enough
to climb
all the way
to the top
of the tree.


Only the curious have something to find

Last night my sister and I spent the night over Lauren and Amanda's house....and we had insane amounts of fun, I don't know how we didn't get in trouble or something. We ate TONS of food, painted our nails really fun glittery like, attempted to watch a super girly movie, that didn't happen, and we woke up and went to the pool for a few hours this morning. I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life. God keeps leading me in directions I would never even imagine for myself.

The past few days have been a whirl-wind of emotions tugging me in all directions, and just when I think I'm not strong enough, He proves me completely wrong. And as I'm writing this I'm watching the Real Housewives of NY(yeah...i really am...) and one of the women just said: "We make plans and God laughs". ...Really. See? Things like this keep happening, it's starting to scare me! But in a good way of course. As a result of His loving ways, I have 2 job interviews back to back tomorrow at the mall, one for Gap and one for The American Girl store. I would love to work at Gap with Lauren, but He has it planned. And I trust Him.

One more thing on that topic: last night Lauren and I used these cards for spiritual guidance and to tune more into your inner truths and let the Lord speak through them somewhat(laugh if you must, but they actually worked!). I don't remember verbatim what they said, but it was along the lines of me letting go of my fears and insecurities and that I need to take action now and not wait for things to come around...and if you knew me well, you'd see that described me better than I even knew myself. Scary...

The message above was something I "Stumbled Upon", literally, on Stumbleupon.com. I thought it was applicable and meant to be visible to not only myself but others. Have a lovely weekend!



tell me where it all went wrong

I just submitted this to Lookbook...we'll see!

Went to the American Apparel flea market and found a dress for $10, a headband for $1, and a tshirt for $6. OH and-I got a leotard(that my brother says I look like Lady Gaga in haha), originally $389 for $10!!!!!! Success! That picture is the t-shirt I got after some alterations I decided to make. Fun day!



He has those ways of reminding us He's here to stay

Dear God,

I'm worth waiting for. I'm worth Your best, and I will patiently wait for the best You have to offer. While I wait God, I will trust in You. I will believe that Your timing and Your plan is better than mine. Your perfect mate is being transformed to complement me just as I am being transformed to complement him.

Would you allow me to see myself as you see me? Would you show me how I bear your image? How my heart, mind and soul are a reflection of who You are? Let me focus on all the things You did right and forgive myself and others for all the things that have gone wrong. Lord, release me from being bound to anyone other than You.

You have come to restore my heart. Whoever stole it or wounded it no longer has a part of me. You, Lord, have all of me. Thank You for fighting for me, God and saying I am worth fighting for. Thank You for bringing hope and comfort into the areas of my heart that have only known sorrow and brokenness. Thank You for never leaving me, for never giving up on me or walking out on me. Thank You for always saying that I am enough.

You are behind me, ahead of me, beside me - guiding and loving me. I am not perfectly flawed or perfectly wounded. I am not my wounds, the lies of my past or the culmination of broken relationships. I am the perfect reflection of Your image. I pray for the man You have prepared for me. I ask for purity in his heart and in his actions.

May his relationship with You be what propels him toward me. Let us trust Your plan and Your timing for when we meet, how we date and our marriage. Mold him into the man that You have created him to be. Thank You for saying that I am worth all of You, God. Thank You for saying I am worth Your best.

This is a prayer I found on my friend's blog. I was meant to see it. Everyone was. I know this blog isn't necessarily about religion and my beliefs, but this is me. And I can't help but not share it with all of my...6...followers lol. He's here and you're not alone. Your life is an adventure, but the lovely thing is He's got it all mapped out for you! All you have to do is trust Him completely and the treasure is yours.

On a fashion note: American Apparel is hosting a flea market in Atlanta this Friday and Saturday from 10am-8pm. Items start at $1 and they're going to be constantly replenishing. Click the link for more information. Hope it's a good one!
Hope you all are having an amazing week!




I go through phases where I'm super obsessed with certain things. Today,and always, it's fashion. But today especially. After seeing Sex and the City 2 last night, I have my entire life planned: move to NY, buy myself a fun, yet sophisticated apartment, and spend forever and ever buying expensive fancy clothes...I'm allowed to dream!

Today is my catch up day I have been talking about for ages. I'm posting a few of my favorite recent collections:

Bensoni FALL 2010 RTW-Housewife/Career Woman/Seductress/Feminine/40's inspired hair pieces and prints and cuts. I love it all. (I tried to narrow down the pictures I posted to my top 3 or so favorites...impossible task)

Jason Wu RESORT 2011-Fun/Vintage Feel/Mod Floral Feminine/Pop of Color. I could see myself wearing all of these. And I will. One day...one faaar far day away.

Yves Saint Laurent RESORT 2011-AMAZING. I love everything about this collection. The prints, the fun flirty feel, the sexy-ness of the colors and cuts. wonderful.

...I should probably stop or else this post could turn out being miles long. I need to do another post of my favorite pieces from Sex and the City 2. It's an awesome movie if you haven't seen it yet.



always nice to be home

The beach was so relaxing, slightly depressing though: the fact that the oil is about to ruin everything there makes me want to burst. On our way out this morning we saw the oil nets being put into the bay and my heart sunk. It feels like God's slapping us all in the face saying "this is what humans have done to my beautiful creation". The poor animals. I wish there was some way I could help.

The 4th picture from the bottom was taken at Rosemary Beach...where I saw probably the biggest house I've ever seen in my entire life, in real life. It was right on the beach, easily $20+ million. Everything is perfect there. The buildings were Spanish-inspired with white stucco and dark roofs, all looking exactly the same but with different landscaping. I liked it mainly for the simplicity of it all. It was so clean looking and so classy. Minus the rich snobs who seemed to occupy every square inch, I could definitely see myself there one day.

Back to real life: tomorrow is job hunting #3 day. SO over this. I've never actually had to go out looking for a job, they've always seemed to fortunately fall into my lap. Boo recessions.

List of things that make me want to scream:
1. Unpacking
2. Looking for a job
3. Trying on clothes
4. Summer's insane heat

Lucky me, I'll experience 3/4 of that within the next 24 hours. wooop.


PS-all of those pictures were taken on my Blackberry!!!! they have pretty awesome cameras for cell phones.