
uh-oh, I've been thinking again

It was you. All along it was you. Not me.

Let me explain myself:
You know when you meet someone and that instant attraction is there? For me this is a very rare occurrence because I am SUPER picky, so when the opportunity arises I usually go for it. Anyways, then you start "talking"....and "talking"...and creating more and more small "talk" but you get no where, but you can't give up. You just can't. You feel as if there could be something there, and you continue to think about the person and become in love with the idea of an "us" but as hard as you try to come up with something clever to say that will catch that person's attention and take your relationship to the next level, nothing happens.

Well after 3 years of this back and forth, ongoing confusion there's something wrong with you, not me. I kept thinking it was me who was boring, or me who had nothing to bring to the relationship and me who wasn't good enough(not that you're not good enough-you're just not for me). I need someone who I can laugh with, sing with, cry with, stay up all night with, travel with, go fly a kite with, and experience life with. I can't describe how good it feels to say that. My best friends Lauren and Kristen have helped me realize this and I am so grateful to have such amazing inspiration in my life. This is such a dumb-girl-high-school thing to post, but I felt like maybe other girls had experienced it too and it was worth a post. Every now and then people need a good pep-talk or else we'll get lost in the confusion of life, the hustle and bustle of everyday and forget how truly beautiful, amazing and unique we all are. Don't ever forget that! Everyone is here for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. We all have something beautiful to contribute to the world, so don't let anything smother that. You should be with someone who inspires you to want to grow and bring all your talent alive into the world. Positivity is contagious. If you let your light shine, others will quickly catch on. If you're Christian, think of it like this: God intended for man and woman, man and man, woman and woman, whatever type of relationship you have, He intended it to be 2 people united as one to glorify Him together. Find the one who helps you do this. From stories I've heard, you'll just know. So cliche; I hope it's that easy.

bleh, I hope this isn't disgustingly cheesy to anyone. I get to thinking every once in a while. Sometimes I think I'd like to write a book, but I soon realize I have trouble finishing my homework...how would i finish a 200+ page book?! Now that that's out of my head and into the web I can finish studying for accounting. Test tomorrow! Wish me luck! xoxox



The Doo-Nanny was awesome! Lots of previous, and current, hippies, music and love! It was fun to let loose and dance and experience life with people who don't take things too seriously.

As you can see, Goodwill kindly provided me with this lovely attire for the day. I really actually like both the shirt and the pants a lot, not together though. I was walking from our car into the festival and some girl said she almost bought that shirt at goodwill and was the last one to try it on before me. The shirt has built in shoulder pads; it was love at first sight. Shoulder pads are so flattering, I think. The pants were fun, I was very happy to say I officially own two pairs of high waisted pants(I bought a black pair too). I can't find any in non-thrift stores!

Sorry the pictures are kind of fuzzy, I don't have a wonderfully talented camera so my Blackberry tried it's hardest to be as professional as possible: The big fire picture is the actual Doo-Nanny(a big bush-type hand built structure) being burnt. It was really cool because it was kind of in the middle of a lake, I really am not blessed with descriptive detailing genes, and once it was lit the cool lake was letting off steam while reflecting the fire. The other picture is the light off of everyone's faces, I thought it looked neat. It was SO hot! I am so glad I went though, everyone was so nice and inviting. Yay hippies!

Alright, now that I have procrastinated every which way possible trying to put off studying for accounting, I think it is time to start this seeing as my test is on Tuesday. I get to go home for Easter, mmmm home. It's so nice going home. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has a beautiful upcoming week! xoxo


Doo doo doo

I don't really have a lot to say in this post, other than to describe the picture above: We went to an indie club called eighty five last night, and no one was there. Needless to say, we left. But I did manage to take a picture of my outfit, sort of, and my friends that went with me, Ashley and Lisa. I took it on my phone, that's why the quality is out the window; not like I have a fancy camera or an ulterior way of photographing...yet. After eighty five we just went back to a friend's dorm and hung out for a while then made a trip to waffle house at oh, 3:00 in the morning. Oh, college. Haha.

Tonight there's a few of my friends playing an acoustic show at a local venue, so I'll probably go to that. Who knows. I've been in such a meh mood. I blame the weather. BUT, my birthday's in less than a month!! It seems like it gets more and more depressing every year though, the celebrations have grown smaller and smaller. I'll only be 20 this year, but you better believe I have big plans once the "teens" and through! Have a great weekend!


did i hear the recession is over?!

It won't let me embed this video, but it's a great review of Paris Fall 2010 RTW fashion week highlights.

Okay, so this weekend, mainly Saturday, wasn't quite what I had intended to result in my "fun weekend". But I definitely am pleased with my thrift store purchases. The one in the middle is from Goodwill and the two on the outsides are from Rag-O-Rama. The one from Goodwill reminds me so much of Zooey Deschanel, I thought she would appreciate me buying it. The collar is super 60's and retro, all that needs adjusting is the hem line, it's a little long. Anyone want to teach me how to sew?

The weather was SO incredibly, beautiful today. It was 70 degrees today, thankfully my 4:30 class was cancelled. Lisa and I went running on the Riverwalk along the Chattahoochee later on and I literally felt like I could run forever. Tomorrow and Thursday are supposed to be 76 degrees. mmmm. I will make every activity an outdoor activity.

This weekend I'm going to the Doo-Nanny, an "outside art and film festival" with food and bonfires and such. If you're in the Alabama-ish area you should definitely try and come! Hope it doesn't rain :/

Here are a few of my favorites from Anna Sui and Diane von Furstenberg's Fall RTW 2010's collections:

Have a lovely week, enjoy the beautiful weather! xoxo



Was so great. The weather was PERFECT. Traffic...it's Atlanta...honestly what did I expect? It took us an hour and a half to get from little 5 points to Lenox(about 20ish miles). ridiculous.

Anways, so we got there and parked and such and the first store we went into was Rag-O-Rama. It's a thrift store, somewhat cheap(about $14.50/item) and I found a cute blue floral dress and a more modern black and white dress. I also found some really cute red boots but it's about to be summer and I know my feet would prefer sandals over boots in the ga heat any day so those didn't come home with me. I found some cute grandma looking glasses too that I had to get; I usually am not into the whole glasses-that-one-wears-so-one-will-look-trendy-but-secretly-the-glasses-don't-have-prescriptions, except now it's not so much of a secret because everyone has them. Anyways, I really do enjoy them and yeah yeah I may be jumping on that band wagon, but you can't avoid them all.

So after Rag-O-Rama we went in a few other stores then met up with our friend who lives in Atlanta and went to Ru San's. If you love cheap sushi and ever happen to be in Atlanta, go to Ru San's. Your tummy will thank you 500 times over, and your wallet. I got the spicy salmon maki for $1 and it comes with 3 sushi and I got the chicken fried rice. Their fried rice isn't dripping with oil like most places either, it's very fresh and delicious. mmm. Then we went to Lenox for my friend's agency audition. That went well. To kill some time we took a long stroll through some stores I couldn't even spend money in even if I won the lottery like Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein. I suppose they're not really that bad, but I still wouldn't spend $85 on a plain white shirt. The Ralph Lauren store was so beautiful, it was set up like a rich polo man players house. Even I didn't particularly get anything out of their spring line, I really did enjoy the store. Urban Outfitters is getting up on that list too. I love their clothes and everything, it's just WAY too expensive. I'm not looking to spend $58 on a tank top, ever, no matter how cute it is. Sephora is always wonderful though, but always forces me to spend way more than I should. I'm super super pale(at one point in time I used white powder for makeup) so it's really hard to find anything that doesn't make me look orange. Instead of looking for some fancy shmancy foundation I just got some face primer/tone corrector(that is white haha) for $30 and it works beautifully.

After Lenox, we went back to Little 5(another hour and a half drive) and did some more shopping ate at the Vortex and headed down to Newnan for our friend's show. We were afraid we were going to miss it but we actually got there just in time! It was really good, they're awesome. If you like screamy, rock, christian music check out Night After Dark. I haven't listened or been to this kind of show in a while and it is so strange to me how pushing each other in a circle is entertaining or "fun" in any way, but anywhooo. We headed back to Columbus after the show and got back around 1:30 that night. It was a good, good day. Made me realize how bad I want to live in Atlanta in my own apartment. It will happen soon enough.

Tonight will be a long night, if all goes according to plan. Like I said, I'm determined to make this a fun weekend, and so far it's delivered. oh yeah and IT'S OFFICIALLY SPRING! How can I not go outside today?!



i want this bathing suite from Urban Outfitters, even though it more than slightly resembles underwear....but more importantly resembles rachel mcadams in the notebook (that was a super run-on sentence, but it's staying). Also, they're having a great sale on some awesome dresses. It's nothing like thrift shopping and their prices, but it's good for UO.

Let's see: today I went to class, Accounting at 8am is ALWAYS a bad idea, came back and took a nap, although I didn't sleep much because I couldn't breath out of my nose like a normal human being and breathing out of my mouth makes me self conscious (yeah, I'm strange) so the nap was more like a "nap", then I went to my business class at 4:30 came back and ate an entire box of macaroni by myself. I was impressed too. Oh, and my once black hair is now auburn-y red....on the top. I hate when your hair decides to hold color forever and then some on the ends and only pulls the actual color you're going for on the top. So in all actuality- I now have auburn-y red and black hair.

I just wrote a really good paragraph....and my hand decided to freak out and delete it somehow before I could catch it. cool. I'll try and recreate it I suppose(everything happens for a reason though!):
I've been thinking a lot about life and love lately; I can be such a girl sometimes. For my entire life I have been pretty closed off to the idea of opening up to people and pushing myself to new limits. But what is life worth if at the end of the day you can honestly say you didn't push yourself out of your comfort zone once? I want to grow and experience new people and ideas and situations. I want to have the cliche "college experience". I want to fall in love and experience heartbreak(but if I could avoid that last one, that would be LOVELY). You can't live if you can't learn and vice-versa. How did I expect to get the most out of life by just putting half of me in? Moving to Atlanta is going to be so good for me, I can feel it. I'm so excited for the future, even if it's not exactly what I had planned(move to Atlanta, find an awesome mentor, move to either New York, Chicago, Boston or some big city and start with an internship there, meet my future husband, and work for a big designer), that's what keeps life interesting. That's what keeps you wanting more. Life would be boring if everything went according to plan; convenient, but boring. Who prefers convenience all the time any ways? Overrated. Alright enough mushy gushy, sentimental-ness for one night.

I'm excited for this weekend. Lisa and I promised each other we would make it an amazingly fun and story-filled one; I'll let you know how our promises hold up. Friday should be fun if nothing else. Lisa, Edy and I are going up to Atlanta for the day to go shopping and go to Edy's audition for an agency. I really want to go to TheClothing Warehouse where you can buy clothes by the pound for super cheap(supposedly). Then on our way back down to Columbus we're going to stop in Newnan to see our friend's band play that night. Should be nice to actually have money and buy some spring clothes...which will provide probably my next 4+ blog entries.

Thank the good Lord for 1:30 classes. My battery is about to die. Goodnight. xoxox


I need to tone down the florals....nehhhh

WORK WEEK IS FINALLY OVER! Although, I do enjoy "women talk" at the office. I don't miss school that much surprisingly, minus a few people...but back I go come Sunday....

Today: went to work, came back from work, saw Alice and wonderland((this goes to show how much I double-check myself)All of a sudden I can't remember whether it's alice AND wonderland or alice IN wonderland, and somewhere someone is probably rolling their eyes/laughing at me, I over analyze everything, yes) and was once again pleasantly surprised with Tim Burton and his amazing directing, somewhat. I didn't like how the story line differed so greatly from the main story, until my friend TJ pointed out that it was the sequel to the first. That made awhole lot more sense(unlike that sentence). Afterwards, we went to my best friend Lauren's house and met some boys. oh boys. It was so good to see all of them again. And Lauren(and Lauren's awesome mama) if you are reading this: I love you so much and I can't wait until this summer so we can look at fashion magazines all night long, eat, and talk about super rad things we thing are cool that no one else seems to agree with us on!

I swear tomorrow will be devoted to catching up on my fashion weeks I've missed, accounting, and resting, and laundry=life of a college student. On a side note: I'm really liking this masculine meets feminine vibe . It's nice. and affordable thanks to thrifting, which I will definitely make a large portion of my weekend next week. Oh, and those random two pictures are 1.) of me wearing a dress from urban outfitters which I'm in love with and 2.) when I had just finished going for a run I sat my laptop down on the floor to watch some runway shows before a shower and my puppy decided to join me, she's an attention-seeker no doubt but i do love that dog.


obviously, my blog is under construction

I'm trying to make way for some spring inspiration, but nothing is coming to mind. Anthropologie usually provides such inspiration, but they're slightly disappointing me. I'm honestly not feeling the whole "safari-jungle" theme. But I still love a good 60% of their stuff.

I hate being stuck in an office when it's 68 degrees+ outside. Just makes me realize more how I can't wait for an actual career rather than a job.

Today was my brother's birthday so we made salmon, mashed potatoes, cupcakes, and snap peas. perfect dinner. He's so cute; he turned 14 today. The first thing he said to me when I came home: "I asked daddy to make salmon and mashed potatoes for you Moll because I know it's your favorite". He's the type of little brother I wouldn't mind sticking around for a good while.

Soooo....it's pretty official(minus the whole applying and acceptance thing, which will happen next weekend) that I'm staying home during the fall 2010 semester and going to a local community college to pull my grades up and work and save up money for my(hopefully) new volkswagon jetta!!!!, and then transfer to a school in Atlanta in the spring, finish up my business degree there and go to a big school in New York for my fashion degree. I can't wait for the next 2 years to fly by so I can get to the good stuff. He's got good stuff for me, I just feel it.

Also, I've been realizing, I barely ever blog about fashion anymore. It's been either about life, zooey deschanel, and family. Okay, next posts will be more focused on fashion. swear(maybe)(what would I do without parenthesis).

This was a boring, pointless post. Apologies.


Summer...I'm waiting...

Today, so far, has been beautiful.
Athens was so nice. Kristen and I went to this organic Chinese/Japanese place downtown and it was delicious. uhhhhhh. and healthy, which usually don't coincide. Then she showed me around the campus a little, went to the library, and went to Yoguri(I think that's what it's called) to get this frozen ice cream-type yogurt with granola. mmm. My tummy was very satisfied. Although the weather was perfect, Dad and I had to sit in traffic for a should-have-been 45 minute ride turned into a 2 hour ride. At least it wasn't cold.

Tonight I'm going to see Alice and Wonderland, not the movie sadly, at a local theater with my sister and her friend. yeaaahhh high school. wooo.

Outfit details:
Jean jacket-thrift store
Skirt-Goodwill(was a dress I wore for a play a loooong time ago. But I made an impulse decision to cut it into a skirt)
Leggings-Old Navy
Boots-Rack Room
Belt-Brother's closet

...man I need to get some things of my own. My face looks uncomfortably serious in that picture-and until i get my beautiful new camera, hopefully for my birthday in a month, my mac will be my photographer :/
I really like simple outfits(but i definitely appreciate the more complex outfits as well, especially the people who can pull them off) that say a lot with a few pieces rather than an outfit that looks like a closet exploded on your body. I'm really trying to broaden my taste and add more pieces by still keeping it simple and easy to look at. we'll see...

One more thing: if you haven't tried pilates and you don't want a stick thin figure, TRY IT. It's like stretching for ballet all over again. And it improves your posture a ton.


alice and wonderland comes out tomorrow

Alexa Chung's line. i want.

Top 3 Favorite things about coming home:
1. FOOD(My mom made pasta for me)
2. Clean room and bed
3. Sleep and looking ugly and not having anyone care

Tomorrow I'm going to Athens to visit my best friend. Should be fun, Athens is beautiful. ALICE AND WONDERLAND COMES OUT TOMORROW, hopefully that will be viewed in the near future. What else...I'm half asleep. Tomorrow will be long. I should probably stop before I say something completely off the wall. Goodnight!


I'm a slacker.

I've been putting everything on the back burner lately; school, working out, relationships, healthy eating habits. blehhh. I think I'm finally over the obsession though. Like another blog I read earlier today by Keiko Lynn, when I see something I like I become obsessed, infatuated even. I think it's become unhealthy. I've watched (500) Days of Summer collectively 3 times over the past 2 days, looked up countless interviews, watched numerous performances by She & Him...Zooey Deschanel. That's all I have to say. Actually that's not all I have to say. I love her style, her personality, her 60's look, how classy she is but she still manages to have fun. And I love even more that's she's engaged to Ben Gibbard. BAH. Their babies will be amazingly talented and beautiful. I was about to be a super dork and refer to one of my favorite books, but I'll refrain.

I've also been slacking on keeping my closet fresh and revived, having enough money to do so, and working. So for my lovely spring break, I'll be sitting in an office. But the rewards will be so worth it! I already have my paycheck mentally spent...when do I not? Purchases include: spring clothes, sandals, open-toe heels, sunglasses, goodwill/thrift store finds, slimquick(which actually works and doesn't taste that bad), and perhaps I'll muster up enough self control and save a little for school.

Alright I've officially ended this slacking phase. The rest of the night will be devoted to working out and studying. Home tomorrow! work,work,work,work, day with mom, work, maybe some sun? weather be kind please; for the sake of the little spring break I will have. Long week ahead, but come spring time it will be well worth it.

I know it's the same song as before, but they're just so damn cute.