i want this bathing suite from Urban Outfitters, even though it more than slightly resembles underwear....but more importantly resembles rachel mcadams in the notebook (that was a super run-on sentence, but it's staying). Also, they're having a great sale on some awesome dresses. It's nothing like thrift shopping and their prices, but it's good for UO.

Let's see: today I went to class, Accounting at 8am is ALWAYS a bad idea, came back and took a nap, although I didn't sleep much because I couldn't breath out of my nose like a normal human being and breathing out of my mouth makes me self conscious (yeah, I'm strange) so the nap was more like a "nap", then I went to my business class at 4:30 came back and ate an entire box of macaroni by myself. I was impressed too. Oh, and my once black hair is now auburn-y red....on the top. I hate when your hair decides to hold color forever and then some on the ends and only pulls the actual color you're going for on the top. So in all actuality- I now have auburn-y red and black hair.
I just wrote a really good paragraph....and my hand decided to freak out and delete it somehow before I could catch it. cool. I'll try and recreate it I suppose(everything happens for a reason though!):
I've been thinking a lot about life and love lately; I can be such a girl sometimes. For my entire life I have been pretty closed off to the idea of opening up to people and pushing myself to new limits. But what is life worth if at the end of the day you can honestly say you didn't push yourself out of your comfort zone once? I want to grow and experience new people and ideas and situations. I want to have the cliche "college experience". I want to fall in love and experience heartbreak(but if I could avoid that last one, that would be LOVELY). You can't live if you can't learn and vice-versa. How did I expect to get the most out of life by just putting half of me in? Moving to Atlanta is going to be so good for me, I can feel it. I'm so excited for the future, even if it's not exactly what I had planned(move to Atlanta, find an awesome mentor, move to either New York, Chicago, Boston or some big city and start with an internship there, meet my future husband, and work for a big designer), that's what keeps life interesting. That's what keeps you wanting more. Life would be boring if everything went according to plan; convenient, but boring. Who prefers convenience all the time any ways? Overrated. Alright enough mushy gushy, sentimental-ness for one night.
I'm excited for this weekend. Lisa and I promised each other we would make it an amazingly fun and story-filled one; I'll let you know how our promises hold up. Friday should be fun if nothing else. Lisa, Edy and I are going up to Atlanta for the day to go shopping and go to Edy's audition for an agency. I really want to go to TheClothing Warehouse where you can buy clothes by the pound for super cheap(supposedly). Then on our way back down to Columbus we're going to stop in Newnan to see our friend's band play that night. Should be nice to actually have money and buy some spring clothes...which will provide probably my next 4+ blog entries.
Thank the good Lord for 1:30 classes. My battery is about to die. Goodnight. xoxox
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